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Seeking a proficient Back-end developer to create strong and efficient service-side solutions? Hire a back-end developer and leverage the proficiency of back-end developers who will morph your idea into a reality. Read More

With their mastery of Express.js, Angular, and Ruby on Rails, our developers will deliver exceptional results.

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What is a backend developer?

What is a backend developer?

A back-end developer is an individual who is specialized in the development and maintenance of the server side of web applications and other software systems. Opposed to front-end developers who work on user interface and client-side interactions, back-end developers primarily work on the server, databases, and application login to ensure that the web application works perfectly and efficiently. Moreover, back-end developers offer a crucial part in developing the foundation and functionality of web applications and software systems. Their expertise and performance bestow the overall success of digital products and services.

What is a backend developer?
Responsibilities For Backend Developer

Responsibilities For Backend Developer

Responsibilities For Backend Developer

Back-end developers hold the key responsibility of designing, building, and maintaining the server-side components of web applications and software systems. Their focus lies on ensuring that the functionality and efficacy of the application are seamless. This embraces developing the application’s core logic, managing the database and data storage, and creating APIs to guarantee seamless communication between front end developer and back-end developer. Security is of uppermost concern, as they must carry out strong measures to protect user data and safeguard against potential vulnerability and cyber threats. Additionally, back-end developers are influential in performance optimization, conducting regular analysis, and making improvements to increase the responsiveness of the application. Their expertise in server-side programming languages, databases, and collaboration with other team members contribute to the overall success and reliability of the application in meeting user’s needs and expectations.


Skills and qualification

To excel as back end developer, a set of essential skills and qualifications is required to meet the complex demand of server-side development in cutting-edge web applications and software systems.


Proficiency in Server-Side programming languages

Back-end developers should be accomplished in server-side languages such as Python, Java, Ruby, Node js, and PHP. Profound knowledge of these languages empowers them to implement efficient and scalable server logic.


Database management

Knowledge and understanding of database and data modeling is crucial. Back-end developers should be able to work with relational databases such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, and NoSQL databases like MongoDB or Cassandra. This skill is vital for effective data storage, retrieval, and manipulation.


API design and development

Creating supervised application programming interfaces (API) is vital when it comes to the communication process between frontend and backend developers. Expertise with API confirms the seamless and in-order data exchange and combination with external services.


Web application Architecture and Protocols

A complete understanding of web application architecture and protocols such as HTTP and REST is very important for building well-founded and scalable applications that follow best practices.


Security knowledge

Back-end developers must be trained in security principles and practices to protect user data and alleviate potential vulnerabilities and attacks. Knowledge of security measures like encryption, input validation, and authentication is crucial.


Version control system

Expertise in version control systems like Git clears the way for collaborating with other team members and enables effective management of code repositories.


Problem-solving and analytical skills

Backend developers should be experts at recognizing and settling technical challenges that emerge during development and deployment. Strong problem-solving and analytical abilities ensure the stability and performance of the application.


Performance optimization

The capacity to analyze application performance and optimize code for planning is very important. Back-end developers should perform load testing and implement optimization techniques to confirm optimal responsiveness.


Collaboration and communication

Working in a team environment, effective collaboration and communication skills are required for coordinating with front-end developers, project managers, and other stakeholders to deliver a cohesive product.


Continuous learning

Technology in the software development field involves rapidly. Back-end developers should stay updated with the latest trends and advancements, fostering a commitment to continuous learning and self-improvement.

How do we hire the top talent?

At Vizz, we follow a rigorous hiring process to ensure that we choose the best and most skilled professionals for our team. Here’s an overview of our hiring process:

Initial Screening

We start by reviewing resumes and applications received from potential candidates. We assess their educational background, work experience, and relevant skills to shortlist candidates who meet our initial criteria.

Technical Evaluation

Shortlisted candidates undergo a technical evaluation to assess their technical knowledge and expertise. This evaluation may include coding assessments, problem-solving challenges, and technical interviews specific to their domain.

Behavioral Assessment

Apart from technical skills, we evaluate candidates’ soft skills and attitudes to determine if they align with our company culture and values. We look for qualities like teamwork, communication, adaptability, and a passion for continuous learning.

Project Experience

Candidates with previous project experience are given preference. We evaluate their past work, contributions to open-source projects, and any relevant certifications to gauge their practical knowledge and achievements.


Interview with Team Lead

Shortlisted candidates have a one-on-one interview with our team leads or project managers. This interview focuses on their specific domain expertise, problem-solving approach, and understanding of industry best practices.

Client-Focused Approach

We emphasize our candidates’ ability to understand and prioritize clients’ needs. We evaluate their communication skills and ability to work collaboratively with clients and other team members.

Continuous Learning

We look for candidates who show a strong commitment to continuous learning and staying updated with the latest trends and technologies in their field.

Technical and Cultural Fit

A candidate must demonstrate their fit within our technical requirements and align with our company culture and values. We seek individuals who can contribute positively to our team’s dynamics.

Reference Checks

Before making a final decision, we conduct reference checks to verify the candidate’s professional background and performance.

Why hire a backend developer with Vizz?

Why hire a backend developer with Vizz?

Hiring a backend developer with us ensures a ton of highly skilled professionals proficient in the latest server-side technologies. By choosing us, you can benefit yourself with the convenience and well-fare written below;

  • Determined expertise and experience in the back-end developer domain.
  • Strong proficiency in extensive server-side
  • programming languages such as Python, Java, Ruby, Node.Js, and PHP.
  • Profound knowledge of database and data modeling.
  • Proven record in creating systematic and extensible APIs for seamless front-end and back-end communications.
  • Throughout understanding web application architecture and protocols and ensuring adherence to the industry’s best practices.
  • Strong security knowledge and performance of measures to protect user data and prevent potential vulnerabilities.
  • Highly analytical and pin-pointing skills to address technical challenges and optimize application performance.
  • Collaborative team player with excellent communication qualities, contributing to effective coordination within your existing development team.
  • Committed to delivering high-quality results within the deadlines.
  • Dedicated and adaptable professionals, continually updating skills to play abreast of industry technologies.
Why hire a backend developer with Vizz?

How to get started?

Hiring a developer through Vizz is a simple and efficient process. Follow these three easy steps:

new img
Define your project

Fill out the Form

Briefly, tell us about your ideas and goals.

conduct an interview


We will schedule a consultation with you to understand your project requirements in detail.

Hire a suitable candidate

Kickstart Your Project

Our resource will be ready to start working on your project.

Vizz Backend Developer Hiring Model

We offer various hiring models based on the specific needs, requirements, resources and organizational structures

The choice of the hiring models depends on the nature of the project you offer such as budget consideration and time constraints.


Full Time Employees

We offer a traditional model where you can hire our workers as full-time employees and let them be a part of your team with permanent positions whilst offering benefits and job security.


Remote Or Virtual Team

You can hire a developer from us to work remotely, leveraging technology for communication and collaboration.


Project Based Hiring

We also offer project-based hiring where you can hire our developers for specific projects and initiatives, providing flexibility and scalability as per project requirements.

Backend Development Technologies

We Offer

Our team has highly skilled backend developers who have profound knowledge with every technology used in the industry. Some of the most common technologies we offer are;

Programing Languages













Go lang




Frameworks And Libraries



Spring Boot

Spring Boot

Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails
























Microsoft SQL Server

Microsoft SQL Server

Api Development





Server Deployment And Management





AWS (Amazon Web Services)

AWS (Amazon Web Services)



Google cloud platform

Google cloud platform

Authentication And Security



JSON Web Tokens

JSON Web Tokens








Web Services

Apache HTTP service

Apache HTTP service




Unit Testing

Unit Testing

Integration Testing

Integration Testing

Test Automation

Test Automation

Task Queue Management

Rabbit MQ

Rabbit MQ

Rabbit MQ

Apache Kafka

Version Control



Industries We Cover

Here is a list of industries we offer in our services for backend development;

  • E-Commerce

    Building and managing the backend of the online shopping platforms, payment gateways and inventory management system.

  • Fin-Tech

    Developing strong and secure back end systems for financial applications, online banking and payment processings.

  • Healthcare

    Creating backend for electronic healthcare record systems, medical billing and healthcare data management.

  • Travel And Hospitality

    Providing back end for booking platforms, travel management systems, and hotel reservation systems.

  • Education

    Developing back end solutions for e-learning platforms, student management systems, and online course systems.

  • Social Media

    Building back end infrastructures for social networking platforms, content management and user interaction.

  • Real Estate

    Offering back end development for property listing websites, real estate management system, and rental platforms.

  • Enterprise Software

    Developing back end systems for large-scale enterprises applications, CRM systems, and supply chain management.

  • Gaming

    Providing back end for the management of multiplayer online gaming, game server and gamer data management.

  • Media And Entertainment

    Developing back end systems for content management, video streaming platforms, and digital media distribution.



Backend developer Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What is the role of the back-end developer?

Back-end developers are responsible for designing, building, and maintaining the server-side components of web applications and software systems. They handle server logic, database interactions, and APIs to ensure well-structured functioning of applications behind the scene.

Q. What programming languages do back-end developers use?

Backend developers work with various programming languages such as Python, Java, Ruby, Node.Js, PHP, and more. The choice of the project depends on the requirements of the project.

Q. What is the difference between front-end developers and back-end developers?

Front-end developers focus on the interfaces and client side of the components, developing what users see and interact with. On the other hand, back-end developers handle the server-side logic, database management, and application functionality to support the front end and assure data processing and storage.

Q. What database do back-end developers work with?

Backend developers work with different types of databases such as MySql, PostgreSQL, and NoSQL databases like MongoDB and Redis based on the specific needs of the application.

Q. How do back-end developers ensure application security?

The backend ensures security implementations like encryption, input validation, and authentication protection to protect user data.

Q. What tools and frameworks do back-end developers use?

Backend developers utilize different types of tools and frameworks depending on the requirements of the project. Some of the common tools and frameworks are; Django, Spring Boot, Ruby on Rails, Express.Js, and more.

Q. How do back-end developers optimize application performance?

Backend developers perform performance analysis, identify bottlenecks, and optimize code and database queries. They may also use caching techniques and implement load balancing to ensure that the application runs perfectly and seamlessly.

Q. Do back-end developers collaborate with other team members?

Backend developers closely collaborate with frontend developers, designers, project managers, and other stakeholders to ensure seamless integration and successful completion of the project.

Q. What is the role of APIs in back-end development?

APIs are crucial for development as they enable communication between frontend and backend developers allowing data exchange etc.

Q. How do backend developers handle the scalability of applications?

Backend developers ensure scalability by scalable infrastructure and database solutions, implementing caching mechanisms, and employing loading balancing techniques to handle increasing user demand and traffic.

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